Iv-Groep appeared in RTL news

 Iv-Groep appeared in RTL news December 2013 - On 9 December Dutch network RTL 4 aired a commentary about the new Panama Canal on the evening news. Rob van de Waal, CEO of Iv-Groep, was interviewed about the challenges for Iv-Groep in the design of the new Panama lock gates.

The RTL news filmed the interview with Rob van de Waal on the massive construction site in Panama. Iv-Groep is responsible for designing the sixteen lock gates and the drive mechanism. Overseeing the construction of the lock gates is also part of the project for Iv-Groep. After completion of this expansion project, the larger Post-Panamax ships will also be able to cross the canal. The lock gates are 33 metres high (comparable to an eleven-story building), ten metres wide and 57 metres long.

The full commentary can be found here. (show is in Dutch)

Correspondent Erik Mouthaan also wrote a column after his visit to the Panama canal, which is called 'In pictures: the Panama canal gets new lock gates'. (text is in Dutch)

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