Internet of Things: sensors to make Dordrecht bridges smart

Internet of Things: sensors to make Dordrecht bridges smart December 2016 - Iv-Infra was commissioned by the city authority of Dordrecht to use an Internet-of-Things (IoT) application to measure the consolidation of the supports of the Prins Hendrik bridge and Engelenburger bridge. IoT over a specially installed network (LoRa) was chosen because the sensors can take measurements wirelessly over a prolonged period of time. This will result in a highly accurate record of the supports’ consolidation over time. Applications in the civil engineering sector of the technologies to be used are developing rapidly. Iv-Infra recently completed the first test with the newly developed sensors. The test was a success and the results were accessible wirelessly on an internet server. 

Smart cities, smart buildings, smart bridges

Rene Faes, project leader at Iv-Infra: ‘Iv-Infra develops robust smart sensors compatible with civil engineering applications, and is involved in the entire chain, from development of the idea all the way to its actual implementation. Iv-Infra develops the sensors together with a partner, from PCB to analysis and interpretation of the data. Iv-Infra makes bridges think and communicate.’ 

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